Providing high-quality, high-value healthcare economics and outcomes research services and consulting, relying on unparalleled industry knowledge and experience.
Neuronomics is an ultra-specialized group of surgeons, statisticians, and healthcare economists assisting companies, medical centers, third-party payers, and physicians with detailed cost-effective and healthcare economic analyses. The group has a successful history of facilitating widespread product reimbursement efforts in the USA and internationally.
As a personalized, concierge service, Neuronomics offers a comprehensive consulting service, providing 1:1 feedback and guidance about product delivery, marketability, profitability, and healthcare system sustainability.
We offer data mining, product value assessment, decision analytical tools, modeling, sensitivity analyses, probabilistic threshold assessments, and macroeconomic simulations.
We are experts in decision modeling for health economic evaluation, evaluation of clinical trials, and cost-effectiveness analysis.
As an industry leader in healthcare economic analysis, we are pleased to offer honest and thorough guidance about bringing novel technologies to the market responsibly and sustainably.
Interactive Dashboards
Macro-enabled, user-friendly interfaces can also be created, increasing the versatility and usability of complex modeling. Industry executives and representatives have found these to be extremely powerful tools when presenting the economic impact of their technology to hospitals, ambulatory care centers, and payers.
Product Management
Our consulting services cover the entire product life-cycle including value proposition, user requirements, human factors, engineering specifications, trial design, and scientific publishing.
Contact Us
Our Neuronomics experts are ready to discuss with your research and consulting needs in the areas of healthcare economics and outcomes research. Requests for proposals and any other inquiry can be directed via telephone or e-mail.
Phone: +1-617-721-4673
Mail: jared@neuronomicsco.com
Site: www.neuronomicsco.com